Smartphones are supposed to make life easier, but sometimes they just ruin it in ways you never saw coming. Case in point: a Reddit user recently found out—the hard way—that Google Pixel’s Emergency SOS feature is perhaps tooefficient. Instead of alerting his loved ones to a crisis, it accidentally broadcasted a very different kind of emergency: a full-frontal nude of himself.
A Wake-Up Call in the Worst Way Possible
The story comes from Reddit user @AssistancePretend668, who shared his technological misadventure on the Google Pixel subreddit. It all started innocently enough: a normal morning, an alarm, and the unfortunate decision to sleep in the nude.
Still groggy, he reached for his phone to shut off the alarm. But instead of dismissing it, he somehow managed to trigger the Emergency SOS feature by pressing the power button five times in a row—a shortcut designed to call for help in life-threatening situations.
Only, this wasn’t a life-threatening situation….
“I hear this blaring siren—definitely not the gentle wake-up I was hoping for,” he wrote. “Then I see ‘Calling 911’ and ‘Sending location to emergency contacts.’ And I’m thinking: OH SHT. Emergency services are about to show up, my friends are gonna freak out, and I’m just lying here, butt naked.”*
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Horrified Replies
Luckily, he managed to cancel the 911 call before dispatchers arrived at his door. But just when he thought the worst was over, his phone started blowing up with messages and calls from his emergency contacts.
And they weren’t asking if he was okay.
“My friends were texting, but not about my safety—more about the fact that my Pixel had sent them all a photo/video of me. NAKED.”
You see, Google’s Emergency SOS doesn’t just notify your contacts—it can also automatically take a photo and send it along with the alert. Since our unfortunate protagonist had been holding his phone at just the right (or, rather, completely wrong) angle when the feature kicked in, his contacts got a surprise that no one was prepared for.
Cue immediate existential regret.
“So yeah,” he concluded, “Pixel’s SOS features are a great way to send dck pics to people, folks.”*
How to Avoid a Similar Fate
For those now sweating and double-checking their settings, yes, this feature is real. But thankfully, you can turn it off before it turns your own morning routine into a digital horror show.
To adjust your settings:
📱 Go to: Settings > Safety & Emergency > Emergency SOS
From there, you can disable the auto-photo capture option and tweak the settings to prevent accidental distress calls (or unexpected OnlyFans auditions).
Lessons Learned
While the Reddit user managed to laugh it off—eventually—he did leave his audience with some parting wisdom:
“Hope this gave everyone a good laugh. My embarrassment at least gave my friends a jolly start to their day—or a very unexpected 1 AM booty call, depending on the time zone.”