We’ve all been there: hunger strikes, and suddenly everything looks delicious. We devour our food without a second thought, only to regret it later when indigestion hits. But one 23-year-old from New Delhi experienced a whole new level of discomfort after enjoying some street food. He initially blamed it on indigestion, but the real cause was far more disturbing…
After a week the poor guy, riddled with discomfort decided to visit his doctor for a proper diagnosis, and what the doctors discovered was horrific to say the least.
Whilst the gentleman suspected it was nothing more than indigestion, the doctors informed him that what they were dealing with was rather cringy.
The doctors discovered a live three centimetre cockroach wriggling about inside of him, man o man, it brings a whole new meaning to the term gut feel!
Dr Shubham Vatsya, a senior consultant in gastroenterology, explained that the patient was just as shocked as they were when they informed him about the insect – especially as the critter was somehow still alive and kicking “Even we were surprised as to how the cockroach managed to stay intact.It was during routine inspections that we incidentally spotted the cockroach.”as reported by LADbible
While the unnamed gentleman couldn’t figure out how this had occurred, Dr Vatsya seems to think that it probably crawled down his throat while he slept blissfully unaware of what was going on.
On the bright side, the creepy-crawly was successfully sucked out during a 10 minute upper gastrointestinal procedure, probably saving his life. If this had been left untreated, it could have lead to dire consequences, this pesky pest could have passed on some rather gruesome and infectious diseases to it’s unsuspecting victim.
For those who sleep with their mouths wide open? Well, let’s just say you might want to invest in a chin strap, after all, nobody wants their next meal to come with a side of unexpected protein, especially the kind with legs and antennae. Sweet dreams! (Just try to keep your mouth closed.)